Monday, 10th March 2025    07:09:14am
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বৰমা কলেজ বৰমা
Barama College Barama
A 'B' NAAC Institution

Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy in Barama College was established in the year 1971. Initially, the department was at the pre-degree level, and in 1974, it was introduced at the degree level. It obtained approval to introduce philosophy as an honours course in 1996, and since then the department has produced a number of graduates in philosophy. The department of philosophy tries to provide its students with a wide variety of interesting courses that address moral issues to attain socially good moral values. Philosophy being the most practical course of study, the department tries to impart skills that will be useful in practical life. The study of philosophy will enable one to think carefully, critically, and clearly, take a logical approach to addressing challenging questions and examining hard issues, reason well, evaluate the reasoning of others, and discuss sensibly.


The department of philosophy at Barama College endeavors to promote the students' awareness and understanding of the social needs of our state and country and prepare them for fulfilling such needs in a meaningful way. Our motto is to enrich the knowledge of the students of philosophy with special emphasis on spiritual, moral, and ethical values and to create a calm, peaceful, and noble atmosphere among the students so that they can enable themselves to be good moral citizens in the future. The department also proposes to promote the study of principles like national integration and a scientific approach to the problems of society.


The missions of the department of philosophy are:
1. Transformation of society through the spread of knowledge
2. Education of the youth and development of personalities
3. Acquisition of skills by learners
4. Creation of dedicated human resources.
5. To believe in equality and fraternity, to prepare to fight for economic and social justice, and to gather courage to fight against social evils.
6. To develop a philosophy of life, to be clear about the goal of life, and to identify a great cause that one would like to serve.
7. Help in nation building.
8. Provide knowledge about how to keep the nation clean.


The department of philosophy has a philosophical society, namely "Philosophica" for imparting knowledge of philosophy and popularizing philosophy as a subject among the students. The society publishes a wall magazine, "Philosophica" every six months and a journal every year.

Initially, the department was looked after by the founder principal, Satish Ch. Das, M.A. who retired in 1994 as a principal of the college. Thereafter, the following teachers in the department offered dedicated service to the department: At present, there are three full-time teachers and one part-time teacher in the department.

Name of the teacher Year of joining
Hirendra Kr. Sarma (Retired) 1973
Mrs. Latika Hazarika (Retired) 1974
Mrs. Marami Choudhury (Left and joined in City College) 1996
Mr. Tapan Deka 2007
Mr. Sanjay Baro 2009
Mr. Pranab Kalita 2011
Miss. Karabi Sarma (Part-time ) 2023

Evaluative Report of the Department of Philosophy

Name of the Department Philosophy
Introduction of B.A. Pass Course - 1976
Major Course - 1984
Name of Course/ Programme offered ( B.A. Honours and B.A. General)
Higher Secondary H.S. 1st Yr. and H.S. 2nd Yr.
Present Faculty Profile with name, qualification and experiences:
SL No. Name Qualification Designation Experience Specialisation
1 Tapan Deka (HoD) M.A., M.Phil. Asstt. Prof. 16 Logic
2 Sanjay Baro M.A. Asstt. Prof. 14 Logic
3 Pranab Kalita M.A., M.Phil Asstt. Prof. 12 Indian Approach
4 Karabi Sarma M.A. Asstt.Prof.(Part Time) - Philosophy of science
Facilities of the Department:
• Library: There is a central library in the college with a separate reading room. The department collected some of the books from the central library and provided them to students.
• A computer set for the department.
• Internet facility.
• Steel Almirah.
• Drinking water facilities.
• Necessary furniture.